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However, there are times when blessings come mixed with sacrifice, and no journey is without hardship. Shortly after acquiring our first location, we had to leave. Wandering from place to place, even worshipping with others from time to time, we had to endure much hardship, like our Lord, until we were blessed with another place to worship.


With His eternal guidance, we were lead to this place, in Brooklyn, but not without more challenges for us to overcome. Unable to obtain financial and material support for our Tabernacle, we took matters into our own hands and came together to build our place of worship.

The Original Seed Tabernacle is the fulfillment of a need for our own place of worship. Initially, the Tabernacle existed solely within the heart of my family. After some time, we were encouraged to share the wondrous blessings from God with others.


A friend and former minister of the gospel, contacted me and found a place for us to worship.


As daunting as this task was, ultimately Faith got us through it, and to this day I believe deep in my heart that God’s wisdom inspired His believers to do work that they had never done before.

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We thank Him every day for His Grace and Mercy toward us.

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